Thursday 26 November 2015

Evaluation of Wound Project

Overall I have enjoyed the majority of the wound project however I have also found it very stressful. When we were first assigned our wounds I was pleased with what I had been given - a burnt mark. It didn't take me long to come up with my concept of branding and to generate the whole prisoner character behind it, making me very excited. I began my research into different types of burns at different stages of the healing process in order to decide what type of burn I wanted to create, in the end I settled for a burn that was towards the end of the healing process with scabs. I decided to create a branding of 3 numbers across the back of the neck, which proved harder to mould than I thought. The first mould I created didn't work  out very well, the numbers ended up being backwards and they sunk inwards instead of protruding out of the prosthetic. The following session I attempted to recreate the prosthetic piece again, however this time it had a lot of holes from air bubbles in the mixture and the super-baldiez layer was ripped and was not in any state to serve its purpose of blending the prosthetic into the skin.
By the time I had made these two attempts the time had come to start moulding the hyped prosthetic and making it so I no longer had the time in my studio session to create and shoot the wound. This became very stressful for me, trying to juggle two projects at once and finding the time to create and shoot both felt almost impossible. However for 2 weeks I also attended the special effects group that takes place between 1-5pm on a Tuesday. As a result of attending the extra hours of studio session I was able to make a third and final attempt at creating my wound, which finally came out successfully. I was then able to shoot it in plenty of time before the deadline.
The amount I struggled with creating the wound was very disheartening for me as I thought special effects was something I wanted to do as a career after completing my degree, however after the struggle I had to create such a basic piece I am beginning to think maybe I should consider looking in to other areas of the makeup industry.
After taking a look at my final images of my wound I have mixed emotions. Although I feel it is the best I could have produced in the circumstances of the time restrictions and I am pleased with the makeup on the prosthetic and  the rest of the character the only issue I have with my final piece is that  I feel the blending of the prosthetic into the skin is not as seamless as I would have hoped, when shooting the project, to the eye I thought I had done quite a good job but analysing the photos now it seems quite obvious that the burn is prosthetic. This would be an issue if it was for a film or TV programme as it would again be behind a camera lens that would pick up the edges and lack of effective blending.
If I was to be faced with making a prosthetic again I would put all my energy into trying to make sure it turns out well the first time I make it and also I would concentrate a lot more on my blending techniques, to enhance the appearance that the prosthetic is part of the skin.

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