Sunday 25 October 2015

Final Character Brief

After planning and brain-storming ideas I have managed to come up with my final idea and backstory for my burnt mark wound.
I have decided to take in to account the research I found and have the burnt mark on the back of neck as a branding mark. The character will be a prisoner, this will be represented through an orange jumpsuit. The hair will be loose and messy and the makeup will make the model look pale, tired and withdrawn as if they have been tortured, reinforcing the idea of having been branded as a method of physical torture and embarrassment. The branding mark will be made up of 3 numbers (935) as if a form of identification of the prisoner.
I am going to take 2 images for this part of the project, the first will be a close up of the prosthetic on the models neck to capture the fully finished prosthetic, and the second will be a character shot where I will have the model posing facing the back with their head turned slightly to see their face but still so the branding can be seen. She will be holding her hair up and looking through the gap in her arm.

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