Sunday 25 October 2015

Applying a Prosthetic - Technical Folder

1. Remove the prosthetic from the mould using talc and gently easing it out, teasing the edges of the super-baldiez layer.

2. Using a cotton bud carefully apply pros-aide, a contact adhesive, to the bottom of the prosthetic (the part that will be flat against the skin) and also to the area of skin on the model you wish to place the prosthetic. 

3. Wait for the pros-aide to turn clear (you can use a hairdryer in a cool setting to speed this process up) and then apply the prosthetic to the chosen area of the body, pressing down firmly to maximise how secure the prosthetic is but making sure the edges don't fold or curl. 

4. Once you are happy with how secure the piece is, clean up and blend the edges using alcohol with a firm outwards motion. The layer of super-baldiez should melt evenly in to the skin, helping the piece to look more like part of the models real skin. 

5. Once you are happy with how the piece is blended you can begin making up the prosthetic however you wish.

*to remove the prosthetic use pro-clean cleansing oil, easing the piece off with the help of a cotton bud if required. 

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